Contact Elonna McKibben

Elonna can be reached by phone by calling +1-330-772-5649. She is available for phone calls at the following times (USA Eastern time zone):
  • Monday: Evenings only from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST
  • Tuesday–Saturday: As available, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EST
  • Please, no calls on Sundays

If you reach her answering machine, she is unavailable to talk. Please call back at another time. Elonna receives more calls than she can return. She is not a Protocel employee—everything she does is on a volunteer basis—so please be patient if it takes some time to reach her.

Elonna can also be reached on her message board, Elonna's Corner, a support community for individuals using Protocel®/Entelev®/Cancell®, their loved ones and friends, and for those seeking more information regarding this Alternative Supplement being used for the treatment of Cancer and Auto-Immune Issues as well as other health-related conditions.